Saturday, December 25, 2010

Baltimore Politicians boot out homeowners who have paid off their home but get behind on a water bill.

The City of Baltimore seems to crave selling water bill liens for a few hundred dollars that then result in the loss of an already paid off home valued in the tens of thousands of dollars.
Even if the homeowner was taking care of an elderly parent with alzheimers and took time off from their job, that's no excuse according to Baltimore's City Hall. Baltimore City Hall actually fought legislation that would have prohibited using an unpaid water bill to file a lien on a home.

If you know of a YouTube Video that is not on this page and exposes more Chase Bank Shenanigans, please contact this blog and share the youtube link.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Ouch, this is pretty low even for Chase Bank standards, Breaking into the home of a Dying Ex Naval Officer so Chase Bank can "winterize" it..

If Chase bank is willing to break into a dying ex-naval officer's home to "winterize it", can the rest of use Call Chase Bank to take the dog for a walk if we're stuck at work working extra hours so we can pay our bills?

If you know of a YouTube Video that is not on this page and exposes more Chase Bank Shenanigans, please contact this blog and share the youtube link.

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