I started this blog, ROBOTS AGAINST CHASE.com in case ROBOTS AGAINST CHASE BANK.com is taking too long to load. On Robots Against Chase Bank.com, the youtube videos are all embedded on the website. Here on ROBOTS AGAINST CHASE.COM, the youtube videos are represented as visual stills that will link back to the YouTube page when you click on an image.
I will try and keep the content identical on both sites to avoid any additional confusion. I found the reason I was having trouble loading ROBOTS AGAINST CHASE BANK.com might have been related to not updating the latest software for my browser.
None the less, I would rather give the option of a faster loading time to anyone who is interested. It took me several hours to rebuild the site from scratch, but you are all worth it.
Thanks for supporting both of these blogs and the people who are taking the time to make youtube videos opposing Chase Bank practices and their leader, Jamie Dimon.
If you know of a YouTube Video that is not on this page yet that exposes more Chase Bank Shenanigans, please contact this blog and share the youtube link.